Jack Hughes Candle Candle Candle
Item Number : 10008
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $750.00     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 14
Started 11/8/2017 7:22:07 PM   Ends 11/9/2017 7:43:00 PM  
To begin, this is a Jack Hughes made effect originated by Percy Abbott. The ad reads: We believe this to be one of the most novel effects that we have ever released. You first show an ornamental base, two candles and a polished metal tube. The candles are lighted and the tube is shown to be absolutely empty--in fact, it may be examined before and after the effect. The tube is placed over each candle in turn illustrating the point that there is only room in the tube for one candle. The candle flames are extinguished. Candle No. 1 is removed from stand and inserted in the tube. Candle No. 2 is also inserted in the tube. Two candles in a tube that is only large enough for one! And both candles are the same size! Spectators are permitted to see into each end of the tube. They see only one candle. Candle No. 1 is removed and placed back in stand, followed by No. 2. Up to now the effect has been unusual to say the least, but a smashing climax is reached as a lighted match is inserted into the end of the tube and a third candle is removed or the tube is handled to spectator for him to finish the trick by removing the third candle. It's a knockout finale. No shell or metal tube candle used. No body or sleeve work. Easy to do. You'll enthuse over the ingenuity of Abbott's Candle-Candle-Candle construction. This includes instructions and was found in original box in unused very fine condition.

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