Abbotts Suckerette - Custom Size
Item Number : 11173
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $140.00     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 20
Started 8/18/2019 1:01:00 AM   Ends 8/25/2019 8:50:00 PM  
I have never seen one in this size before. Upon the magician's table an attractive chest is seen that measures 17" wide x 14" deep x 12 5/8" high. At this point the magician lifts the lid and places within a rabbit, doves and the like or for that matter a rocky raccoon or other that he may wish to have vanish. Upon command the lid is opened and top of chest lifted away showing both sides and set aside or handed to an assistant. The four sides are taken up out of the bottom frame piece by piece also showing both sides and with the magician making the statement that the vanish is complete!

With the rectangular frame remaining there will be seen a bulge which is obvious as something underneath the table covering that the frame is sitting upon. The audience always quick to catch on cannot help but notice and before long are sure to point out the obvious. The frame is lifted away and the magician picks up the table covering by the center with the item bulging within and states "There you are just an ordinary table". Soon with calls of what is under the cloth? The magician allows a spectator to reach underneath and take out whatever is found and the discovery is to be something entirely different than that which was vanished moments ago!

To this day this is still one of my favorite vanishes and one that can be used with other solid items as well without having to maintain a live animal. Includes instructions and the standard size which is on 7 1/4" high selling for $300. Condition very fine.

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