DRGM Germany Pre-WW2 Mechanical Matchbox Prank of Metal
Item Number : 11351
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $25.00     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 1
Started 10/4/2019 8:19:00 PM   Ends 10/6/2019 7:27:00 PM  
Magicians can be pranksters at heart and sometimes find these items they like to collect as well as magic. In this unit that is stamped DRGM in the metal you will find that it has a spring loaded flap piece that is held against tension by another loose flap that is hinged on opposite side. The idea is to set tension and place upon table waiting for the fun to begin. When someone picks up the matches the one flap releases the spring tension flap which comes smartly around grabbing at the fingers picking up the matchbox! No harm but just startling to the unsuspecting. Items like this are very seldom seen and very hard to find. This is a cross collectible so that widens the audience of people in search for items like this. This is Pre-ww2 Germany and measures 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" x 5/8". No instructions but easy to set. Condition very good.

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