J.N. Hofzinser's Card Conjuring Fischer Sharpe Fulves
Item Number : 1192
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $305.00  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $10.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 22
Started 5/7/2006 1:22:00 AM   Ends 5/14/2006 7:48:00 PM  

1973 Karl Fulves Gutenberg Press Edition Hard bound with gilt stamping numbers 188 pages with illustrations.

If you are reading this and one of the fortunate few that own the 1931 edition then you know what a desirable volume it is.

This published by Karl Fulves is in the same size and style as the original with the added notes in the foreword by Sam Sharpe 1973.

If you have the original this is a must have as a companion and if you don't it is still a must have as the original is very difficult to obtain. Very fine condition.

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