Original Richard Himber 3 Rings 10 1/4" With Case
Item Number : 4639
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $810.00  Reserve Not Yet Met     Starting Bid $250.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 6
Started 4/13/2010 1:54:00 AM   Ends 4/15/2010 7:55:00 PM  

Original items by Richard Himber are dear and seldom seen as the effects were produced in strictly limited small quantities using the highest quality materials available such as Italian Leather and Gold & Silver.

Mr. Himber left this world far too soon in 1966 at the age of 59 and those alive today that knew him will tell you of the great loss to the magic community of one of the most colorful characters and clever minds in magic.

Perhaps the Rarest of all Himber items with only a very few sets ever made for a beautiful linking and unlinking of rings. In First Rate Collectors Condition. This is what Richard Himber used in his appearance on Don Alan's Magic Ranch.

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