Coin Wand Johnson Products
Item Number : 4836
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $232.50  Reserve Not Yet Met     Starting Bid $50.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 18
Started 6/24/2010 3:57:00 PM   Ends 7/8/2010 7:00:00 PM  

As for a mechanical piece that functions every time as it should this would be the one for you. Beautifully precision made many years ago and long unavailable. This made with a half dollar coin with a perfect smooth action to produce or retract.

With this well thought out piece you may begin your routine by pointing the end of the wand directly toward the audience as they will see nothing but the solid tip of the wand. The wand is of metal and black with satin finish gold tips contained within a soft cloth drawstring bag having Silver metal tips on the cord ends.

Includes instructions which give a routine for the coin in the banana. Far too few of these were ever made so don't pass this opportunity by if you ever had hopes of adding a coin wand to your collection. Condition beautiful.

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