P&L Phantom Cube
Item Number : 4904
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $43.00     Starting Bid $35.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 3
Started 7/6/2010 1:49:00 AM   Ends 7/8/2010 7:23:00 PM  

The 2 1/2" red die is placed in an open frame which is placed upon a tray and then all placed on the crown of a hat or an upturned box. A silk (not supplied) that was placed over the assembly is now lifted in order to give a peek at the die still within the frame.

The silk is allowed to cover the frame again and then lifted away showing that the die has vanished. The frame and tray are taken away and the hat or box is lifted and it is seen that the die has penetrated all without harm!

Includes instructions. Condition very good.

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