Ghostmasters - America's Midnight Spook Shows
Item Number : 5358
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $20.50     Starting Bid $15.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 2
Started 12/2/2010 6:48:00 PM   Ends 12/5/2010 7:05:00 PM  

Mark Walker, 1994 revised edition, cloth bound, foil stamping, 176 pages. This is a look back at America's midnight spook shows.

From the inside cover dust jacket reads: "Dim the lights and pull up your favorite reading chair. You are about to enter the world of macabre-a strange, yet real world that actually existed not too terribly long ago. Now, for the very first time, a lost piece of Americana, the Midnight Ghost Show, is about to be unveiled. And through actual documentation this book will firmly establish these late night attractions in their rightful place as the most popular and profitable expression of conjuring during their era. Curiosity seekers, horror buffs, cinema tradesman as well as magicians should welcome this book, as it weaves together offbeat stories of motion picture houses and moves along with Hollywood's favorite monsters, tales of magic illusion, crystal gazing and spiritualism."

Condition like new.

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