Scarce 1976 Suppressed Set Slydini Books Karl Fulves
Item Number : 648
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $107.50  Reserve Not Yet Met     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 7
Started 12/30/2005 7:30:00 PM   Ends 1/8/2006 7:02:00 PM  

Around 1960 Harry Stanley in Great Britain published a book written and photographed by Lewis Ganson entitled The Magic of Slydini. Fast forward to 1976 with Karl Fulves writing and editing the 2 volume set entitled The Magic of Slydini... and more published by Louis Tannen in New York. The title closely resembling the Stanley publication created the problem and although I don't believe any harm was intended the set sales had to cease and desist.

So back to the printer with a title change and The Best of Slydini and More with same text and photographs and look came to the eager awaiting lovers of magic world wide. This set black hard bound with gilt stamping Text volume numbers 108 pages along with historical photographs. The Photographs volume numbers 126 pages having 901 photographs by Arthur Manfredi of The Master at Work.

If you have interest in this type of collecting then this would be the set to have as it is in very fine condition.

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