Robert Harbin’s My Lady’s Ring
Item Number : 9467
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $850.00  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $100.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 8
Started 4/2/2017 8:59:00 PM   Ends 4/6/2017 7:30:00 PM  
Produce by Raymond Goulet in the mid 1980's and in limited number. It is an effect by Robert Harbin and may be found in the much sought after book entitled "The Magic Of Robert Harbin". Boxes are 5" in size having brass hinges and made of wood that is corner trimmed. The magician brings forward a tray on which rests a small red coloured box. The lid is opened, and after a lady has assented to your request that she will lend you her ring, you ask her to look inside the box and to notice the little brass hook protruding from one side and situated just above a red velvet cushion. The lady is asked to place her ring on the hook, the lid is closed and the box handed to her for safe keeping. A second box of similar size and blue in colour with its lid open is placed on the tray. The magician carries tray and box over to another member of the audience seated some distance from the lender of the ring. Whilst the tray is held by the left hand, the right hand reaches inside and comes out holding a carnation. The second spectator is asked to take the box and see that it is empty apart from a small holder attached to one side. He agrees and you place the carnation into the little holder, the lid of the box then being closed. Standing back and well away from both boxes you recapitulate. That a borrowed ring is in the box held by its lender, whilst some distance away is a blue box containing a carnation. Removing a pistol (not supplied) from your pocket you fire one shot. The lady with the red box is asked to open it. This she does only to find that there is just a hook and no ring. The holder of the blue box is asked to open it and carefully remove the carnation. Surprise, surprise, for when he does he finds that the lady's ring is tightly gripping the calyx of the flower. Includes 3 pages of illustrated instructions. Condition very fine.

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