1976 Pete Watt Lecture Autographed
Item Number : 952
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $2.00     Starting Bid $2.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 1
Started 2/24/2006 3:30:00 AM   Ends 2/26/2006 7:36:00 PM  

The following is listed as a reading copy as it may contain previous owners name label embosser and may have folds creases or tears but generally good condition.

Folder containment numbers 9 pages. The first sentence states "The only thing a free show will ever get you is another free show and if you think there is nothing else you can do to improve your act get out of magic!" Work includes *Penny in Bottle *Three Dice Mental Routine *Two Dice and Cards *Mini Chop Cup and more.

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