Man In The Moon-Mephisto Huis-Amsterdam
Item Number : 9737
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $50.00  Reserve Not Yet Met     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 4
Started 6/1/2017 1:23:14 AM   Ends 6/1/2017 7:49:00 PM  
The "Man in the Moon" (a large wooden disc with a face painted on it), is taken from his home (a prop, made to look like a cloud), and placed in a second box. (This has two doors, and is finished like a storm cloud.) The magician explains that the idea of the trick is to "pass" the Man in the Moon back to his former home; it is here that the almost endless fun starts! Tipping the box from side to side, and opening one door at a time, the performer claims that the Man in the Moon has Vanished! Unfortunately for him, each time the box is tilted, a dull thud is heard! the audience are not slow to tell him that they want to see both doors opened at the same time. After much fun, they are finally opened together, and of course, our little friend has vanished! Picking up on the original "home cloud", magician boastfully announces that the Moon Man has returned home. But, upon opening the door...Horror of is seen to be still empty! Something has gone wrong, and the performer starts to "explain". During the "explanation" the Moon Man peeps over the top of the Cloud which the performer is holding, and the audience shout out. But every time magician turns to have a look at what the audience is shouting about, the Moon Man drops back out of sight! This makes them yell more than ever. Eventually he is caught, and another howler comes to an end. A winner every time! Well made of wood and nicely decorated, perfect for parlor or stage. Includes instructions in Dutch language but with this description and apparatus in hand you will easily see the workings and impress yourself. Condition very fine.

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