P&L Petrie Lewis Copper Brahmin Rice Bowls
Item Number : 1986
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $51.00     Starting Bid $10.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 8
Started 1/6/2007 7:17:00 PM   Ends 1/7/2007 7:41:00 PM  

How often have you found yourself admiring this beautiful effect by P&L and actually wanted to perform it but the thought of using a beautiful set made you cringe at the thought of an accidental drop or tumble of a bowl? Well look no further as someone has already taken care of that worry and more than once.

This set of pure copper weighing just half an ounce short of 1 pound still functions fine as the gimmick bowl has only one slight depression and it is usually this bowl that is found to be with dents. The ungimmicked bowl is the one with all the character having all the bruises.

This is a trademark stamped set and includes instructions. For the uninitiated this is the doubling of rice in quantity then changing to water without the use of a gimmick that must be gotten rid of.

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