Needle Through Arm (2) And Tongue (2)
Item Number : 8012
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $45.00     Starting Bid $20.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 2
Started 1/16/2016 1:51:00 PM   Ends 1/19/2016 7:26:00 PM  
If wishing to give a demonstration of sideshow geek then here are a few of the necessary items you will need. Includes *Needle Through Tongue with fork design end *The Yogi Skewer with loop handle and duplicate ungimmicked one *Needle Through Arm by Gem Magic *Voodoo (Dart like needle which by the instructions states may be used in Needle Through Balloon then used in Needle Through Arm). The 4 effects have a total of 10 pages of illustrated instructions. While all the utensils are here you will still need to purchase or make some fake blood and get some additional material available at office supply stores. Condition overall fine.

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