Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume 1/2/3/4
Item Number : 11099
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $105.00  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 11
Started 8/19/2019 1:56:00 AM   Ends 8/25/2019 3:35:00 PM  
Thayer Quality Magic Catalog Instructions Sheets Volume 1, 2, 3 and 4. Compiled by Glenn Gravatt.

Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume 1, 1978, cloth bound with foil stamping on spine, 322 pages, illustrated throughout. Reproductions of instruction sheets from Thayer and the categories include: Tricks with Balls, Cards, Escapes, Flowers, Illusions, Liquids, Glasses, Bowls, Livestock, Miscellaneous, Money, Productions, Silks, Spiritualistic and Mental Effects. Condition very fine.

Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume 2, 1979, cloth bound with foil stamping on spine, 324 pages illustrated. Reproductions of instruction sheets from Thayer and some of the categories include *Balls *Birds *Cards *Dice *Eggs *Escapes *Flowers *Liquids *Silks *Parlor and Stage effects and more. Condition very fine.

Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume 3, 1979, cloth bound with foil stamping on spine, 312 pages, illustrated throughout. Reproductions of instruction sheets from Thayer and the categories include: Tricks with Balls, Cards, Cigarettes, Escapes, Flowers, Illusions, Money, Parlor and Stage Effects, Pocket Tricks, Productions, Silks-Color Changes, Productions, Vanishes, Spiritualistic and Mental Effects, Tables, Thimbles, Torn and Restored Tricks. Condition very fine.

Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume 4, 1981, cloth bound with gilt stamping on spine, 324 pages including Index, illustrated throughout. Reproductions of instruction sheets from Thayer and the categories include: Afghan Bands, Card Magic, Cards With Apparatus, Cigarette Magic, Club & Stage Magic, Dice, Divinations, Floating, Livestock, Matches, Money, Penetrations, Pocket Parlor & Close-Up, Silks - Color Changes, Silks - Productions, Silks - Misc., Spiritualistic Effects, Tables, Torn & Restored, Memories, Index Volumes 1-4. Condition very fine.

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