1973 The Illustrated History of Magic Milbourne Christopher
Item Number : 11129
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $25.00     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 1
Started 7/22/2019 9:24:00 PM   Ends 7/24/2019 7:54:00 PM  
By Milbourne Christopher. 1973, cloth bound, 452 pages with index and full of photos and illustrations, color photo plates of posters, prints and more charting a pleasant tour through the history of magic. Color plates of *Herrmann *Kellar *Houdini *Chung Ling Soo *Thurston *Le Roy Talma and Bosco *Carter *Blackstone. The most comprehensive history of magic ever published.Contents: Myth or Magic, The First Wonder-Workers, Magic in the Colonies, American Indian Conjuring, Robert-Houdin--Innovator, England's Home of Mystery, The Great Herrmanns, Around the World with Kellar, Houdini, Blackstone Versus Dante, Dunninger-Master Mentalist. Big Shows and Small Screens to name a few. Includes chapters on: *Robert-Houdin *The Great Herrmann's *Around The World With Kellar *Thurston The Wonder Show of the Universe *Ching Ling Foo Chung Ling Soo and the Great Lafayette *The Selbit Sensations *The Great Vaudeville Specialists *Le Roy and Goldin *Carter Nicola and Raymond *Houdini *Blackstone versus Dante *Dunninger Master Mentalist and more. Another must have for the student of magic. If you are interested in learning about what went before then this is one of the must haves for your library. Condition very fine.

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