1972 Herbie Card Duck
Item Number : 11380
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $125.00     Starting Bid $50.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 4
Started 11/12/2019 7:00:00 PM   Ends 11/14/2019 7:36:00 PM  
This duck is the most reliable since Warren Hamilton and in some cases even more so as it never misses pulling a card out of a deck and requires very little movement in the ring pull underneath the platform. This has lost its clear plastic houlette but works perfectly with holding the cards in your hand against the base. I personally value this as a quality made item and would not part with my own. The duck stands 9 3/4" high and the base measures 9 1/2" long x 3 1/2" deep. All made of beautiful solid plex and made to function perfectly. This includes a deck of Alphabet cards consisting of 58 in all which more than the standard when you could get them. Condition very fine.

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