Electronic Card Rise Poker Size
Item Number : 11611
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $35.00     Starting Bid $25.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 4
Started 12/1/2019 10:31:55 PM   Ends 12/3/2019 7:14:00 PM  
Although this makes use of electronics as far as a push button transmitter it uses a motor that winds a drum of thread to raise the cards in the traditional way which is shown in instructions that are included. The overall appearance reminds you of an Anverdi item. The base plate is held on making use of magnets to gain access to the compartment shown for batteries and motor unit. The black plate seen allows for showing houlette empty at first prior to setting regular deck in before the rising effect. The plate has pins that make for easy removal as in wiping houlette with handkerchief before beginning. A switch within base allows for the reversal of the motor for rewinding thread. The rest is up to you. Houlette is made of plex and all for standard Poker size cards. Condition very fine.

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