Milson Worth The Absconding Queen
Item Number : 4840
 Auction Detail 
Auction Type Standard Standard  
Current Bid $893.99  Reserve Met     Starting Bid $150.00
Quantity N/A   # of Bids 8
Started 6/24/2010 3:57:00 PM   Ends 7/8/2010 7:04:00 PM  

A beautiful effect made even more so by the quality manufacture and styling of Milson Worth. Showing a jumbo Queen of Hearts card it is seen to have a 1" hole in its center. A stand is also shown with a same size hole within the framework that holds the card. The card is placed on the stand with the back design facing the audience. A black silk 18" in size is shown and placed through the holes in the card and stand and pulled through a time or two. Nothing changes during these actions but the audience knows something is about to happen.

Putting the silk into the hole once more the magician draws the silk half way through leaving it in this position. The magician turns the stand so the audience may see the silk emerging from the hole and an image of the Queen of Hearts is clearly seen in the center of the black silk! The remainder of the silk is pulled through the hole and the silk held out and there for all to see is the Queen of Hearts card image in full color! The magician removes the card from the stand showing it now has a blank face!

A quite beautiful and magical effect. This was purchased to go in a collection and never used. Includes 3 pages of illustrated instructions. Condition very fine.

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